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Start-up Party, a meet up of innovation and inspiration !
novembre 2, 2016 @ 7:00 - 9:30

Evoluko and the BDE International Paris School of Business have partnered up to bring Internationals, Expats, and Erasmus Students in Paris a meet-up of #innovation and #inspiration.
There will be four speakers at this Meet-up :
Nicolas Le Berre, co-founder New CITYzens
Shirley Billot, CEO Kadalys
Kevin Berkane, Co-founder Kialatok
Fabien Rault, Paris&Co
It will take place Maison des initiatives étudiantes -MIE Paris located at 76 bis rue de rennes 75006 Paris, on November 2.
The Meet-up will include the seminar and a #networking apero to meet with other #Internationals #Expats #Erasmus
Students, and even the Lecturers! This is a great opportunity for students who will have the opportunity to who are interested in creating an international network.